Brigham Young owned a staff made from the rough oak coffins
used to transport the bodies of Joseph and Hyrum Smith from Carthage to Nauvoo.

The Staff of Brigham reportedly has strong healing abilities.
There are others, like the Staff of Heber, that exist.
We gather documentation of the healing efficaciousness of these magical staves.

The Staff of Brigham is about three feet long and made of oak.

Starting with Jesus Christ there has been a long history of physical objects being used in conjunction with healing power.

Coffin Canes

Joseph and Hyrum Smith often linked the power to heal with the power to lead.

Phebe Woodruff

In November 1838 Wilford Woodruff rebuked the power of death and raised Phebe Woodruff from the dead.

Read the account

Elijah Fordham

In July 1839 Joseph Smith healed Brigham Young. He invited Wilford Woodruff to follow him to Elijah Fordham's home. Then he commanded Elijah to be healed and he immediately was.

Read the account

John D. Lee

In February 1847 John D. Lee was extremely sick and had been anointed for burial. Brigham Young visited him, laid a cane on his chest and he was miraculously healed.

Read the account

Modern stories of miraculous healings


A 1:00am D goes into keto-acidosis shock. As he is rushed to the emergency room the wielder of the Staff of Brigham touches his head and invokes its power. D is back 4 hours later in extremely good shape, no longer wearing his knee brace and barely has a small a limp from his bone-on-bone arthritis in his knee.

MG Daughter

An 11 year old girl injured her foot. She holds the Staff of Brigham for about 5-7 minutes. About 5 minutes later her foot is completely healed.


85 year old BD is scheduled for surgery and fears he may not survive. He holds the Staff of Brigham for about 15 minutes. His surgery goes extremely well and he recovers faster than expected.


JAS has a difficult cold. He holds the Staff of Brigham for about 15 minutes. Within 36 hours all traces of the cold are gone.

Your story with the Staff of Brigham.

Some white handkerchiefs have been distributed which have spent significant time in close proximity with the Staff of Brigham, Elijah Fordham's 1830 Book of Mormon and Phebe Woodruff's 1841 Book of Mormon, gifted to her by her husband Wilford Woodruff, and other sacred and holy objects.